Essential Rapid Response Solutions for Healthcare
Healthcare delivery is ever-changing, and the COVID-19 pandemic has forever exposed the need for effective preparedness and facility readiness to cope with this unprecedented crisis.
POI is making use of its broad 200+ supplier networks and supply chain effectiveness in order to select and provide quality product solutions to meet the immediate and future needs of the healthcare market. We continue to work extensively with Canada’s leading hospitals, clinics, acute care, long-term care, assisted living facilities, and healthcare environments in the development of comprehensive solutions that meet the evolving needs of healthcare workers, patients and their family support networks. Contact us today at 1-888-296-9967 for more information about these available solutions.
POI has also drawn on its network to curate proactive solutions including protective screens, pods, chairs and recliners as well as emergency beds and overbed tables to combat the pandemic. We continue to provide essential services to help support healthcare workers by supplying healthcare furniture including for emergency triage, field hospitals, long term care, and corporate wellness needs across Ontario.